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@Internalpublic abstract class MemorySegment {    @SuppressWarnings("restriction")    protected static final sun.misc.Unsafe UNSAFE = MemoryUtils.UNSAFE;    @SuppressWarnings("restriction")    protected static final long BYTE_ARRAY_BASE_OFFSET = UNSAFE.arrayBaseOffset(byte[].class);    private static final boolean LITTLE_ENDIAN = (ByteOrder.nativeOrder() == ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN);    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------    protected final byte[] heapMemory;    protected long address;    protected final long addressLimit;    protected final int size;    private final Object owner;    MemorySegment(byte[] buffer, Object owner) {        if (buffer == null) {            throw new NullPointerException("buffer");        }        this.heapMemory = buffer;        this.address = BYTE_ARRAY_BASE_OFFSET;        this.size = buffer.length;        this.addressLimit = this.address + this.size;        this.owner = owner;    }    MemorySegment(long offHeapAddress, int size, Object owner) {        if (offHeapAddress <= 0) {            throw new IllegalArgumentException("negative pointer or size");        }        if (offHeapAddress >= Long.MAX_VALUE - Integer.MAX_VALUE) {            // this is necessary to make sure the collapsed checks are safe against numeric overflows            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Segment initialized with too large address: " + offHeapAddress                    + " ; Max allowed address is " + (Long.MAX_VALUE - Integer.MAX_VALUE - 1));        }        this.heapMemory = null;        this.address = offHeapAddress;        this.addressLimit = this.address + size;        this.size = size;        this.owner = owner;    }    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------    // Memory Segment Operations    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------    public int size() {        return size;    }    public boolean isFreed() {        return address > addressLimit;    }    public void free() {        // this ensures we can place no more data and trigger        // the checks for the freed segment        address = addressLimit + 1;    }    public boolean isOffHeap() {        return heapMemory == null;    }    public byte[] getArray() {        if (heapMemory != null) {            return heapMemory;        } else {            throw new IllegalStateException("Memory segment does not represent heap memory");        }    }    public long getAddress() {        if (heapMemory == null) {            return address;        } else {            throw new IllegalStateException("Memory segment does not represent off heap memory");        }    }    public abstract ByteBuffer wrap(int offset, int length);    public Object getOwner() {        return owner;    }    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------    //                    Random Access get() and put() methods    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------    //------------------------------------------------------------------------    // Notes on the implementation: We try to collapse as many checks as    // possible. We need to obey the following rules to make this safe    // against segfaults:    //    //  - Grab mutable fields onto the stack before checking and using. This    //    guards us against concurrent modifications which invalidate the    //    pointers    //  - Use subtractions for range checks, as they are tolerant    //------------------------------------------------------------------------    public abstract byte get(int index);    public abstract void put(int index, byte b);    public abstract void get(int index, byte[] dst);    public abstract void put(int index, byte[] src);    public abstract void get(int index, byte[] dst, int offset, int length);    public abstract void put(int index, byte[] src, int offset, int length);    public abstract boolean getBoolean(int index);    public abstract void putBoolean(int index, boolean value);    @SuppressWarnings("restriction")    public final char getChar(int index) {        final long pos = address + index;        if (index >= 0 && pos <= addressLimit - 2) {            return UNSAFE.getChar(heapMemory, pos);        }        else if (address > addressLimit) {            throw new IllegalStateException("This segment has been freed.");        }        else {            // index is in fact invalid            throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException();        }    }    public final char getCharLittleEndian(int index) {        if (LITTLE_ENDIAN) {            return getChar(index);        } else {            return Character.reverseBytes(getChar(index));        }    }    public final char getCharBigEndian(int index) {        if (LITTLE_ENDIAN) {            return Character.reverseBytes(getChar(index));        } else {            return getChar(index);        }    }    @SuppressWarnings("restriction")    public final void putChar(int index, char value) {        final long pos = address + index;        if (index >= 0 && pos <= addressLimit - 2) {            UNSAFE.putChar(heapMemory, pos, value);        }        else if (address > addressLimit) {            throw new IllegalStateException("segment has been freed");        }        else {            // index is in fact invalid            throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException();        }    }    public final void putCharLittleEndian(int index, char value) {        if (LITTLE_ENDIAN) {            putChar(index, value);        } else {            putChar(index, Character.reverseBytes(value));        }    }    public final void putCharBigEndian(int index, char value) {        if (LITTLE_ENDIAN) {            putChar(index, Character.reverseBytes(value));        } else {            putChar(index, value);        }    }    public final short getShort(int index) {        final long pos = address + index;        if (index >= 0 && pos <= addressLimit - 2) {            return UNSAFE.getShort(heapMemory, pos);        }        else if (address > addressLimit) {            throw new IllegalStateException("segment has been freed");        }        else {            // index is in fact invalid            throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException();        }    }    public final short getShortLittleEndian(int index) {        if (LITTLE_ENDIAN) {            return getShort(index);        } else {            return Short.reverseBytes(getShort(index));        }    }    public final short getShortBigEndian(int index) {        if (LITTLE_ENDIAN) {            return Short.reverseBytes(getShort(index));        } else {            return getShort(index);        }    }    public final void putShort(int index, short value) {        final long pos = address + index;        if (index >= 0 && pos <= addressLimit - 2) {            UNSAFE.putShort(heapMemory, pos, value);        }        else if (address > addressLimit) {            throw new IllegalStateException("segment has been freed");        }        else {            // index is in fact invalid            throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException();        }    }    public final void putShortLittleEndian(int index, short value) {        if (LITTLE_ENDIAN) {            putShort(index, value);        } else {            putShort(index, Short.reverseBytes(value));        }    }    public final void putShortBigEndian(int index, short value) {        if (LITTLE_ENDIAN) {            putShort(index, Short.reverseBytes(value));        } else {            putShort(index, value);        }    }    public final int getInt(int index) {        final long pos = address + index;        if (index >= 0 && pos <= addressLimit - 4) {            return UNSAFE.getInt(heapMemory, pos);        }        else if (address > addressLimit) {            throw new IllegalStateException("segment has been freed");        }        else {            // index is in fact invalid            throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException();        }    }    public final int getIntLittleEndian(int index) {        if (LITTLE_ENDIAN) {            return getInt(index);        } else {            return Integer.reverseBytes(getInt(index));        }    }    public final int getIntBigEndian(int index) {        if (LITTLE_ENDIAN) {            return Integer.reverseBytes(getInt(index));        } else {            return getInt(index);        }    }    public final void putInt(int index, int value) {        final long pos = address + index;        if (index >= 0 && pos <= addressLimit - 4) {            UNSAFE.putInt(heapMemory, pos, value);        }        else if (address > addressLimit) {            throw new IllegalStateException("segment has been freed");        }        else {            // index is in fact invalid            throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException();        }    }    public final void putIntLittleEndian(int index, int value) {        if (LITTLE_ENDIAN) {            putInt(index, value);        } else {            putInt(index, Integer.reverseBytes(value));        }    }    public final void putIntBigEndian(int index, int value) {        if (LITTLE_ENDIAN) {            putInt(index, Integer.reverseBytes(value));        } else {            putInt(index, value);        }    }    public final long getLong(int index) {        final long pos = address + index;        if (index >= 0 && pos <= addressLimit - 8) {            return UNSAFE.getLong(heapMemory, pos);        }        else if (address > addressLimit) {            throw new IllegalStateException("segment has been freed");        }        else {            // index is in fact invalid            throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException();        }    }    public final long getLongLittleEndian(int index) {        if (LITTLE_ENDIAN) {            return getLong(index);        } else {            return Long.reverseBytes(getLong(index));        }    }    public final long getLongBigEndian(int index) {        if (LITTLE_ENDIAN) {            return Long.reverseBytes(getLong(index));        } else {            return getLong(index);        }    }    public final void putLong(int index, long value) {        final long pos = address + index;        if (index >= 0 && pos <= addressLimit - 8) {            UNSAFE.putLong(heapMemory, pos, value);        }        else if (address > addressLimit) {            throw new IllegalStateException("segment has been freed");        }        else {            // index is in fact invalid            throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException();        }    }    public final void putLongLittleEndian(int index, long value) {        if (LITTLE_ENDIAN) {            putLong(index, value);        } else {            putLong(index, Long.reverseBytes(value));        }    }    public final void putLongBigEndian(int index, long value) {        if (LITTLE_ENDIAN) {            putLong(index, Long.reverseBytes(value));        } else {            putLong(index, value);        }    }    public final float getFloat(int index) {        return Float.intBitsToFloat(getInt(index));    }    public final float getFloatLittleEndian(int index) {        return Float.intBitsToFloat(getIntLittleEndian(index));    }    public final float getFloatBigEndian(int index) {        return Float.intBitsToFloat(getIntBigEndian(index));    }    public final void putFloat(int index, float value) {        putInt(index, Float.floatToRawIntBits(value));    }    public final void putFloatLittleEndian(int index, float value) {        putIntLittleEndian(index, Float.floatToRawIntBits(value));    }    public final void putFloatBigEndian(int index, float value) {        putIntBigEndian(index, Float.floatToRawIntBits(value));    }    public final double getDouble(int index) {        return Double.longBitsToDouble(getLong(index));    }    public final double getDoubleLittleEndian(int index) {        return Double.longBitsToDouble(getLongLittleEndian(index));    }    public final double getDoubleBigEndian(int index) {        return Double.longBitsToDouble(getLongBigEndian(index));    }    public final void putDouble(int index, double value) {        putLong(index, Double.doubleToRawLongBits(value));    }    public final void putDoubleLittleEndian(int index, double value) {        putLongLittleEndian(index, Double.doubleToRawLongBits(value));    }    public final void putDoubleBigEndian(int index, double value) {        putLongBigEndian(index, Double.doubleToRawLongBits(value));    }    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------    //                     Bulk Read and Write Methods    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------    public abstract void get(DataOutput out, int offset, int length) throws IOException;    public abstract void put(DataInput in, int offset, int length) throws IOException;    public abstract void get(int offset, ByteBuffer target, int numBytes);    public abstract void put(int offset, ByteBuffer source, int numBytes);    public final void copyTo(int offset, MemorySegment target, int targetOffset, int numBytes) {        final byte[] thisHeapRef = this.heapMemory;        final byte[] otherHeapRef = target.heapMemory;        final long thisPointer = this.address + offset;        final long otherPointer = target.address + targetOffset;        if ((numBytes | offset | targetOffset) >= 0 &&                thisPointer <= this.addressLimit - numBytes && otherPointer <= target.addressLimit - numBytes) {            UNSAFE.copyMemory(thisHeapRef, thisPointer, otherHeapRef, otherPointer, numBytes);        }        else if (this.address > this.addressLimit) {            throw new IllegalStateException("this memory segment has been freed.");        }        else if (target.address > target.addressLimit) {            throw new IllegalStateException("target memory segment has been freed.");        }        else {            throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(                    String.format("offset=%d, targetOffset=%d, numBytes=%d, address=%d, targetAddress=%d",                    offset, targetOffset, numBytes, this.address, target.address));        }    }    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------    //                      Comparisons & Swapping    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------    public final int compare(MemorySegment seg2, int offset1, int offset2, int len) {        while (len >= 8) {            long l1 = this.getLongBigEndian(offset1);            long l2 = seg2.getLongBigEndian(offset2);            if (l1 != l2) {                return (l1 < l2) ^ (l1 < 0) ^ (l2 < 0) ? -1 : 1;            }            offset1 += 8;            offset2 += 8;            len -= 8;        }        while (len > 0) {            int b1 = this.get(offset1) & 0xff;            int b2 = seg2.get(offset2) & 0xff;            int cmp = b1 - b2;            if (cmp != 0) {                return cmp;            }            offset1++;            offset2++;            len--;        }        return 0;    }    public final void swapBytes(byte[] tempBuffer, MemorySegment seg2, int offset1, int offset2, int len) {        if ((offset1 | offset2 | len | (tempBuffer.length - len)) >= 0) {            final long thisPos = this.address + offset1;            final long otherPos = seg2.address + offset2;            if (thisPos <= this.addressLimit - len && otherPos <= seg2.addressLimit - len) {                // this -> temp buffer                UNSAFE.copyMemory(this.heapMemory, thisPos, tempBuffer, BYTE_ARRAY_BASE_OFFSET, len);                // other -> this                UNSAFE.copyMemory(seg2.heapMemory, otherPos, this.heapMemory, thisPos, len);                // temp buffer -> other                UNSAFE.copyMemory(tempBuffer, BYTE_ARRAY_BASE_OFFSET, seg2.heapMemory, otherPos, len);                return;            }            else if (this.address > this.addressLimit) {                throw new IllegalStateException("this memory segment has been freed.");            }            else if (seg2.address > seg2.addressLimit) {                throw new IllegalStateException("other memory segment has been freed.");            }        }        // index is in fact invalid        throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(                    String.format("offset1=%d, offset2=%d, len=%d, bufferSize=%d, address1=%d, address2=%d",                            offset1, offset2, len, tempBuffer.length, this.address, seg2.address));    }}
  • MemorySegment有点类似java.nio.ByteBuffer;它有一个byte[]类型的heapMemory属性;它有两个构造器,带有byte[]类型参数的构造器会将byte[]赋给heapMemory,不带byte[]类型参数的构造器则heapMemory为null;isOffHeap方法则用于判断当前的memory segment是heap还是off-heap,它根据heapMemory是否为null来判断,如果为null则是off-heap;另外提供了compare、swapBytes、copyTo方法;还显示提供了BigEndian及LittleEndian的get、put方法
  • BigEndian的相关方法有:get/putCharBigEndian、get/putShortBigEndian、get/putIntBigEndian、get/putLongBigEndian、get/putFloatBigEndian、get/putDoubleBigEndian;LittleEndian的相关方法有:get/putCharLittleEndian、get/putShortLittleEndian、get/putIntLittleEndian、get/putLongLittleEndian、get/putFloatLittleEndian、get/putDoubleLittleEndian
  • MemorySegment定义了free、wrap、get、put、getBoolean、putBoolean抽象方法,要求子类去实现;MemorySegment有两个子类,分别是HeapMemorySegment、HybridMemorySegment



@SuppressWarnings("unused")@Internalpublic final class HeapMemorySegment extends MemorySegment {    private byte[] memory;    HeapMemorySegment(byte[] memory) {        this(memory, null);    }    HeapMemorySegment(byte[] memory, Object owner) {        super(Objects.requireNonNull(memory), owner);        this.memory = memory;    }    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------    //  MemorySegment operations    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------    @Override    public void free() {        super.free();        this.memory = null;    }    @Override    public ByteBuffer wrap(int offset, int length) {        try {            return ByteBuffer.wrap(this.memory, offset, length);        }        catch (NullPointerException e) {            throw new IllegalStateException("segment has been freed");        }    }    public byte[] getArray() {        return this.heapMemory;    }    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------    //                    Random Access get() and put() methods    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------    @Override    public final byte get(int index) {        return this.memory[index];    }    @Override    public final void put(int index, byte b) {        this.memory[index] = b;    }    @Override    public final void get(int index, byte[] dst) {        get(index, dst, 0, dst.length);    }    @Override    public final void put(int index, byte[] src) {        put(index, src, 0, src.length);    }    @Override    public final void get(int index, byte[] dst, int offset, int length) {        // system arraycopy does the boundary checks anyways, no need to check extra        System.arraycopy(this.memory, index, dst, offset, length);    }    @Override    public final void put(int index, byte[] src, int offset, int length) {        // system arraycopy does the boundary checks anyways, no need to check extra        System.arraycopy(src, offset, this.memory, index, length);    }    @Override    public final boolean getBoolean(int index) {        return this.memory[index] != 0;    }    @Override    public final void putBoolean(int index, boolean value) {        this.memory[index] = (byte) (value ? 1 : 0);    }    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------    //                     Bulk Read and Write Methods    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------    @Override    public final void get(DataOutput out, int offset, int length) throws IOException {        out.write(this.memory, offset, length);    }    @Override    public final void put(DataInput in, int offset, int length) throws IOException {        in.readFully(this.memory, offset, length);    }    @Override    public final void get(int offset, ByteBuffer target, int numBytes) {        // ByteBuffer performs the boundary checks        target.put(this.memory, offset, numBytes);    }    @Override    public final void put(int offset, ByteBuffer source, int numBytes) {        // ByteBuffer performs the boundary checks        source.get(this.memory, offset, numBytes);    }    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------    //                             Factoring    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------    /**     * A memory segment factory that produces heap memory segments. Note that this factory does not     * support to allocate off-heap memory.     */    public static final class HeapMemorySegmentFactory  {        public HeapMemorySegment wrap(byte[] memory) {            return new HeapMemorySegment(memory);        }        public HeapMemorySegment allocateUnpooledSegment(int size, Object owner) {            return new HeapMemorySegment(new byte[size], owner);        }        public HeapMemorySegment wrapPooledHeapMemory(byte[] memory, Object owner) {            return new HeapMemorySegment(memory, owner);        }        /**         * Prevent external instantiation.         */        HeapMemorySegmentFactory() {}    }    public static final HeapMemorySegmentFactory FACTORY = new HeapMemorySegmentFactory();}
  • HeapMemorySegment继承了MemorySegment,它有一个byte[]的memory属性,free操作会将memory设置为null,wrap方法使用的是memory属性;它的构造器要求传入的memory不能为null,然后赋给父类的heapMemory属性及自己定义的memory属性(引用);它还定义了HeapMemorySegmentFactory,提供了wrap、allocateUnpooledSegment、wrapPooledHeapMemory方法



@Internalpublic final class HybridMemorySegment extends MemorySegment {    /**     * The direct byte buffer that allocated the off-heap memory. This memory segment holds a     * reference to that buffer, so as long as this memory segment lives, the memory will not be     * released.     */    private final ByteBuffer offHeapBuffer;    /**     * Creates a new memory segment that represents the memory backing the given direct byte buffer.     * Note that the given ByteBuffer must be direct {@link java.nio.ByteBuffer#allocateDirect(int)},     * otherwise this method with throw an IllegalArgumentException.     *     * 

The owner referenced by this memory segment is null. * * @param buffer The byte buffer whose memory is represented by this memory segment. * @throws IllegalArgumentException Thrown, if the given ByteBuffer is not direct. */ HybridMemorySegment(ByteBuffer buffer) { this(buffer, null); } /** * Creates a new memory segment that represents the memory backing the given direct byte buffer. * Note that the given ByteBuffer must be direct {@link java.nio.ByteBuffer#allocateDirect(int)}, * otherwise this method with throw an IllegalArgumentException. * *

The memory segment references the given owner. * * @param buffer The byte buffer whose memory is represented by this memory segment. * @param owner The owner references by this memory segment. * @throws IllegalArgumentException Thrown, if the given ByteBuffer is not direct. */ HybridMemorySegment(ByteBuffer buffer, Object owner) { super(checkBufferAndGetAddress(buffer), buffer.capacity(), owner); this.offHeapBuffer = buffer; } /** * Creates a new memory segment that represents the memory of the byte array. * *

The owner referenced by this memory segment is null. * * @param buffer The byte array whose memory is represented by this memory segment. */ HybridMemorySegment(byte[] buffer) { this(buffer, null); } /** * Creates a new memory segment that represents the memory of the byte array. * *

The memory segment references the given owner. * * @param buffer The byte array whose memory is represented by this memory segment. * @param owner The owner references by this memory segment. */ HybridMemorySegment(byte[] buffer, Object owner) { super(buffer, owner); this.offHeapBuffer = null; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // MemorySegment operations // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Gets the buffer that owns the memory of this memory segment. * * @return The byte buffer that owns the memory of this memory segment. */ public ByteBuffer getOffHeapBuffer() { if (offHeapBuffer != null) { return offHeapBuffer; } else { throw new IllegalStateException("Memory segment does not represent off heap memory"); } } @Override public ByteBuffer wrap(int offset, int length) { if (address <= addressLimit) { if (heapMemory != null) { return ByteBuffer.wrap(heapMemory, offset, length); } else { try { ByteBuffer wrapper = offHeapBuffer.duplicate(); wrapper.limit(offset + length); wrapper.position(offset); return wrapper; } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(); } } } else { throw new IllegalStateException("segment has been freed"); } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Random Access get() and put() methods // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ @Override public final byte get(int index) { final long pos = address + index; if (index >= 0 && pos < addressLimit) { return UNSAFE.getByte(heapMemory, pos); } else if (address > addressLimit) { throw new IllegalStateException("segment has been freed"); } else { // index is in fact invalid throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(); } } @Override public final void put(int index, byte b) { final long pos = address + index; if (index >= 0 && pos < addressLimit) { UNSAFE.putByte(heapMemory, pos, b); } else if (address > addressLimit) { throw new IllegalStateException("segment has been freed"); } else { // index is in fact invalid throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(); } } @Override public final void get(int index, byte[] dst) { get(index, dst, 0, dst.length); } @Override public final void put(int index, byte[] src) { put(index, src, 0, src.length); } @Override public final void get(int index, byte[] dst, int offset, int length) { // check the byte array offset and length and the status if ((offset | length | (offset + length) | (dst.length - (offset + length))) < 0) { throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(); } final long pos = address + index; if (index >= 0 && pos <= addressLimit - length) { final long arrayAddress = BYTE_ARRAY_BASE_OFFSET + offset; UNSAFE.copyMemory(heapMemory, pos, dst, arrayAddress, length); } else if (address > addressLimit) { throw new IllegalStateException("segment has been freed"); } else { // index is in fact invalid throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(); } } @Override public final void put(int index, byte[] src, int offset, int length) { // check the byte array offset and length if ((offset | length | (offset + length) | (src.length - (offset + length))) < 0) { throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(); } final long pos = address + index; if (index >= 0 && pos <= addressLimit - length) { final long arrayAddress = BYTE_ARRAY_BASE_OFFSET + offset; UNSAFE.copyMemory(src, arrayAddress, heapMemory, pos, length); } else if (address > addressLimit) { throw new IllegalStateException("segment has been freed"); } else { // index is in fact invalid throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(); } } @Override public final boolean getBoolean(int index) { return get(index) != 0; } @Override public final void putBoolean(int index, boolean value) { put(index, (byte) (value ? 1 : 0)); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Bulk Read and Write Methods // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- @Override public final void get(DataOutput out, int offset, int length) throws IOException { if (address <= addressLimit) { if (heapMemory != null) { out.write(heapMemory, offset, length); } else { while (length >= 8) { out.writeLong(getLongBigEndian(offset)); offset += 8; length -= 8; } while (length > 0) { out.writeByte(get(offset)); offset++; length--; } } } else { throw new IllegalStateException("segment has been freed"); } } @Override public final void put(DataInput in, int offset, int length) throws IOException { if (address <= addressLimit) { if (heapMemory != null) { in.readFully(heapMemory, offset, length); } else { while (length >= 8) { putLongBigEndian(offset, in.readLong()); offset += 8; length -= 8; } while (length > 0) { put(offset, in.readByte()); offset++; length--; } } } else { throw new IllegalStateException("segment has been freed"); } } @Override public final void get(int offset, ByteBuffer target, int numBytes) { // check the byte array offset and length if ((offset | numBytes | (offset + numBytes)) < 0) { throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(); } final int targetOffset = target.position(); final int remaining = target.remaining(); if (remaining < numBytes) { throw new BufferOverflowException(); } if (target.isDirect()) { if (target.isReadOnly()) { throw new ReadOnlyBufferException(); } // copy to the target memory directly final long targetPointer = getAddress(target) + targetOffset; final long sourcePointer = address + offset; if (sourcePointer <= addressLimit - numBytes) { UNSAFE.copyMemory(heapMemory, sourcePointer, null, targetPointer, numBytes); target.position(targetOffset + numBytes); } else if (address > addressLimit) { throw new IllegalStateException("segment has been freed"); } else { throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(); } } else if (target.hasArray()) { // move directly into the byte array get(offset, target.array(), targetOffset + target.arrayOffset(), numBytes); // this must be after the get() call to ensue that the byte buffer is not // modified in case the call fails target.position(targetOffset + numBytes); } else { // neither heap buffer nor direct buffer while (target.hasRemaining()) { target.put(get(offset++)); } } } @Override public final void put(int offset, ByteBuffer source, int numBytes) { // check the byte array offset and length if ((offset | numBytes | (offset + numBytes)) < 0) { throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(); } final int sourceOffset = source.position(); final int remaining = source.remaining(); if (remaining < numBytes) { throw new BufferUnderflowException(); } if (source.isDirect()) { // copy to the target memory directly final long sourcePointer = getAddress(source) + sourceOffset; final long targetPointer = address + offset; if (targetPointer <= addressLimit - numBytes) { UNSAFE.copyMemory(null, sourcePointer, heapMemory, targetPointer, numBytes); source.position(sourceOffset + numBytes); } else if (address > addressLimit) { throw new IllegalStateException("segment has been freed"); } else { throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(); } } else if (source.hasArray()) { // move directly into the byte array put(offset, source.array(), sourceOffset + source.arrayOffset(), numBytes); // this must be after the get() call to ensue that the byte buffer is not // modified in case the call fails source.position(sourceOffset + numBytes); } else { // neither heap buffer nor direct buffer while (source.hasRemaining()) { put(offset++, source.get()); } } } //......}

  • HybridMemorySegment继承了MemorySegment,它有一个ByteBuffer类型的offHeapBuffer属性,由于父类本身已经有一个byte[]类型的heapMemory属性了,因而HybridMemorySegment管理的memory可以是on-heap的(使用带有byte[]类型参数的构造器)也可以是off-heap的(使用带有ByteBuffer类型参数的构造器);wrap方法会判断,如果heapMemory不为null,则使用heapMemory,否则使用offHeapBuffer


  • MemorySegment有点类似java.nio.ByteBuffer;它有一个byte[]类型的heapMemory属性;它有两个构造器,带有byte[]类型参数的构造器会将byte[]赋给heapMemory,不带byte[]类型参数的构造器则heapMemory为null;isOffHeap方法则用于判断当前的memory segment是heap还是off-heap,它根据heapMemory是否为null来判断,如果为null则是off-heap;另外提供了compare、swapBytes、copyTo方法;还显示提供了BigEndian及LittleEndian的get、put方法;MemorySegment定义了free、wrap、get、put、getBoolean、putBoolean抽象方法,要求子类去实现;MemorySegment有两个子类,分别是HeapMemorySegment、HybridMemorySegment
  • HeapMemorySegment继承了MemorySegment,它有一个byte[]的memory属性,free操作会将memory设置为null,wrap方法使用的是memory属性;它的构造器要求传入的memory不能为null,然后赋给父类的heapMemory属性及自己定义的memory属性(引用);它还定义了HeapMemorySegmentFactory,提供了wrap、allocateUnpooledSegment、wrapPooledHeapMemory方法
  • HybridMemorySegment继承了MemorySegment,它有一个ByteBuffer类型的offHeapBuffer属性,由于父类本身已经有一个byte[]类型的heapMemory属性了,因而HybridMemorySegment管理的memory可以是on-heap的(使用带有byte[]类型参数的构造器)也可以是off-heap的(使用带有ByteBuffer类型参数的构造器);wrap方法会判断,如果heapMemory不为null,则使用heapMemory,否则使用offHeapBuffer



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